Developing Skills

We believe that with the right help and support, every child can make progress in their learning. Our pedagogy is designed to support children’s unique approaches to learning through their interests, while incorporating a mix of different approaches that are promoted using our values of Excite, Explore and Express (E3L), which inspires our theme-based curriculum planning.

We encourage children to explore their interests and passions through different learning opportunities and strive to create an environment that fosters excitement and curiosity. Our planning is designed to help children excel in their learning and development by promoting critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity.

We also incorporate “flip learning” as part of our pedagogy, a teaching approach that involves introducing a subject to children at home before it is taught to them at nursery. This approach allows children to gain a better understanding of the subject matter, and fosters strong parent partnerships, with parents encouraged to support their children’s learning at home.

At First Steps Nursery, we believe that children learn best through play, adult role modelling, observing each other and through guided learning and direct teaching. We provide a carefully organised environment for high-quality play, where children can invent their own play and explore their own interests. We believe that the learning environment is at the heart of our pedagogy and we have well-planned indoor and outdoor spaces that are designed to support children’s learning and development.